Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Welcome to our blog! I am the first to say that this has been a chore for me to get up and going. I have been told my many how easy it is. Ha! Well, I am not the most computer savvy person, nor do I find myself setting aside time to do something like this. I have been meaning to get this started somewhere around the time Bea was born...

Stay tuned


  1. Hooray! I'm so proud of you :) You did it!! Can't wait to read about all the happenings in your life :)

  2. Well, it's about time!! Finally we'll be able to keep up with you guys and your lives! :)

  3. So fun to see your cute family! It's easy for me to have a blog because I don't do anything...it's John's job. :) Can't wait to see you guys!

  4. Good job Mere! I'm impressed! You stuck with it and it turned out great.

  5. I'm gasping in awe of Bea! She's grown up so much!!!! Her hair! Her teeth! Her gorgeous blue eyes! Man, am I excited to get to know this babe. Caroline's been doing a fine job as heiress of darling dresses.

    I think Bea looks like Elle, do you? Keep the pics comin. I'll be a regular groupie.
