Monday, July 13, 2009

Tick Tock

I suppose the count down can begin. One more week until this baby comes (let's hope!).

I thought I would take a minute and focus on the cute little Beatrice. Oh, how I love her! I have been feeling a tiny bit of sadness that I am taking away her status as the "baby". In fact, I asked Dave the other day if we are still alright to call her a baby? I just hope this is an easy transition for her because it will make me so sad if she gets sad...

We have been trying not to put the pressure on her to be an "outdoor" girl, but we have been taking every chance we can to get her exposed to it. :)

In her backpack on a hike...

Wearing her hiking boots...

Yes, and a quick binkie break... :)

Waiting to watch Dad race his mountain bike at Snowbird

Sporting her "sunnies"...

And just hanging with her pal Bern...

(I don't see her losing interest in that binkie any time soon! :)

We are very excited to be adding a baby boy to the mix of this family! We feel very blessed and know that he, and Bea, will be the best of friends... 


  1. Can't wait to meet Godfrey Jesus :)
    Kaden saw this blog post and said, "AWWWW! I miss Bea! Can we go play with her?" So cute :)

  2. Considering that the bink is in all but one of the above photos, I'm not holding my breath...

    Still waiting for that middle of the night phone call..

    (btw.. if that phone call is in the middle of the day, it won't hurt my feelings..)

  3. but if its in the middle of the night our feelings wouldn't be hurt either.. :) i'm excited to see the new little guy!

  4. Since you're popping out a boy she'll ALWAYS get to be your baby girl! And Godfrey Jesus will be your baby boy. Unless you decide to keep going . . . :)
